
  • Zoodiversity (Vestnik Zoologii)

    Zoodiversity is new name of Vestnik Zoologii. It is publishing original papers in all fields of zoology (except for strictly applied): fauna and systematics, ecology, ethology, descriptive and comparative morphology, physiology, zoological aspects of nature conservancy; the journal also includes eventual items like  Information and Chronicle, Book Reviews, Field Notes, etc.

    Publication language is English.

    Extensive contributions may be published as supplement volumes.

    Why subscribe and read

    • high-quality papers in all fields of faunistics and animal systematics, ecology, ethology, morphology, and physiology, as well as zoological aspects of nature conservancy;

    • the best papers by the authors from Central and Eastern Europe and adjusting countries, covering various aspects of zoological sciences in that region;

    • comprehensive papers by the zoologists from all over the world.

    Why submit

    • peer-reviewed;

    • language improvement for English articles;

    • no page charge for publishing;

    • free e-reprint upon publication;

    • abstracts and excerpts of all papers are available free online;

    • colour illustrations free of charge in the e-reprints.

  • Science and innovation

    A scientific and practical journal of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The focus of the journal is the coverage of innovation policy in Ukraine, results of prospective research and development of the institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, universities and other organizations, as well as the issues of commercialization of scientific developments and their introduction into production.